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Food Quality and Design Group, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Lucía is a fulltime Guest PhD student from Santiago, Chile. Regarding her background, she got a bachelor in Biotechnology Engineering and a MSc in Plant Biotechnology in her home country. In 2013 she started a MSc in Food Quality Management at Wageningen University and Research (WUR) in order to expand her knowledge on food quality and consumer sciences. During her MSc thesis she studied the influence of product familiarity in the perceptions and preferences of consumers for canned whole peeled tomatoes in a cross-country study (Italy, The Netherlands and Chile). Interesting results were found, which allowed us to publish the findings in a scientific journal. Currently she is writing a book chapter on this topic.

After obtaining her master’s degree in 2015, she got a Chilean scholarship to pursue a PhD at WUR. During her PhD she will study the impact of globalisation, context factors, and familiarity on consumer’s perceptions and choice of ethnic foods, under the supervision of Dr. ir. Bea Steenbekkers and Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Fogliano.

Lucia Frez Muñoz
Dieuwerke Bolhuis

Food Quality and Design Group, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Dieuwerke completed her PhD in 2012 on sensory and eating behaviour at the Division of Human Nutrition of Wageningen University under supervision of Prof. Kees de Graaf. From 2014 to 2016, she has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Deakin University in Australia with Prof. Russell Keast. She is experienced in the role of taste, especially salt and fat, on food intake and food choice, and published 19 peer reviewed articles (12 first-author) on this topic, see: She works currently as a postdoctoral researcher at the Food Quality and Design Group of Wageningen University, further exploring the role of fat on food perception and preference.

Vincenzo Fogliano

Food Quality and Design Group, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Vincenzo is a food scientist. After 20 years of career at the University of Naples as professor in Biochemistry, Food Chemistry and Functional Foods, from 2013 he became chair of the Food Quality & Design group at Wageningen University & Research.

He is author of more than 300 publications on indexed journals covering many aspects of Food science. These papers received more than 12.000 citations and he has an h index of 60. Vincenzo is one of the few Wageningen scientists constantly listed in the Thomson Reuter list of the “Highly Cited”

The focus of his research is on the design of innovative healthy foods adopting a chain perspective from the selection of raw materials, through processing and formulation up to the physiological functionality and consumer behaviour.

He is well known at international level for the studies on the modification induced by food cooking and in particular for the compounds formed through Maillard Reaction.

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