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Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, Directorate of Food Industry, Budapest, Hungary 

Received her MSc degree in Food Engineering and her Ph.D degree in Agrotechnical at the Corvinus University of Budapest. As the research fellow of National Agricultural and Innovation Centre - Food Science Research Institute she conducted several qualitative and quantitative consumer studies. She participated in several national, EU FP7 projects (FACET, SPICED) and international co-operations. In 2011 as a scholarship holder she spent four months in IRTA (Research & Technology Food & Agriculture), Monells, Spain. Her primary research activities are consumer behavior, food safety and healthy nutrition related issues. She has more than 80 research publications. Currently she is the head expert of food industry at the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture.

Viktória Szűcs

Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, Directorate of Food Industry, Budapest, Hungary 

Graduated at Szent István University (SZIU) as an agricultural economist specialised in agricultural marketing and received her PhD degree in School of Management and Business Administration. As a research fellow at Central Food Research Institute she was specialised in consumer behaviour, she took part in EU FP6 and FP7 (NovelQ and HighTech Europe) and national research projects. Her primary research activities are consumer behavior, the role of origin in consumers’ food choice decisions, the role of the consumer acceptance of novel food processing technologies with particular regard to food safety issues and consumer risk sensitivity. Currently she is working at Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture and Food Industry as the adviser of the vice president of food industry.

Judit Hámori

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