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Partner(s) involved: All

Type of presentation: Keynote

Conference:  9th International Congress of Nutritionists

Place: Zagreb, Croatia

Dates: 21-23 November 2024

Authors: Guiné RPF, Rumbak I, Saric MM

Title: EATMOT Project: Determinants of Healthy Food Choices – Study Involving 16 Countries

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Partner(s) involved: Poland

Type of presentation: Poster

Conference:  15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium - Meeting New Challenges in a Changing World (PSSS 2023)

Place: Nantes, France

Dates: 20-24 August 2023

Authors: Kita A, Korzeniowska M, Guiné RPF

Title: Sociodemographic factors affecting motivational Behavior of Polish food consumers

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Partner(s) involved: Poland

Type of presentation: Poster

Conference:  15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium - Meeting New Challenges in a Changing World (PSSS 2023)

Place: Nantes, France

Dates: 20-24 August 2023

Authors: Korzeniowska M, Guiné RPF

Title: The Eatmot Questionnaire as a Useful Tool in Food Purchase Motivational Study

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Partner(s) involved: Portugal & others

Type of presentation: Oral

Conference:  XXX Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados - JOCLAD 2023

Place: Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Dates: 20-22 April 2023

Authors: Henrriques C, Guiné RPF, Matos A, Malva M

Title: Identifying characteristics of marketing-influenced eating vulnerability

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Partner(s) involved: Portugal, Brazil, Argentina

Type of presentation: Oral

Conference:  Congreso Internacional de Ciencias de la Nutrición y Alimento

Place: Chiapas, Mexico

Dates: 20-23 September2022

Authors: Leal M, Guiné RPF

Title: EATMOT PROYECT: preocupaciones medioambientales asociadas con las elecciones y prácticas alimentarias


Partner(s) involved: All

Type of presentation: Oral

Conference:  International Web Conference on Food Choice & Eating Motivation

Place: Viseu-Portugal (Online)

Dates: 19-20 May 2022

Authors: Henriques C, Matos A, Malva M, Bartkiene E, Djekić I, Tarcea M, Sarić MM, Černelič-Bizjak M, Dolar V, EL-Kenawy A, Ferreira V, Klava D, Korzeniowska M, Vittadini E, Leal M, Frez-Muñoz L, Papageorgiou M, Szűcs V, Correia PMR and Guiné RPF.

Title: Marketing motivations influencing food choice in 16 countries: segmentation and cluster analysis


Partner(s) involved: All

Type of presentation: Oral

Conference:  International Web Conference on Food Choice & Eating Motivation

Place: Viseu-Portugal (Online)

Dates: 19-20 May 2022

Authors: Guiné RPF, Duarte J, Ferreira M, Ferrão AC, Correia PMR, Cardoso AP, Florença SG, Szűcs V, Isoldi K, Sarić MM, Papageorgiou M, Vittadini E, Korzeniowska M, Černelič-Bizjak M, Bartkiene E, Tarcea M, Ferreira V, Djekic I, Klava D, Frez-Muñoz L, El-Kenawy A, Leal M.

Title: Studying the psycho-social motivation associated with food choices and eating practices – the EATMOT project


Partner(s) involved: Romania

Type of presentation: Oral

Conference:  International Web Conference on Food Choice & Eating Motivation

Place: Viseu-Portugal (Online)

Dates: 19-20 May 2022

Authors: Tarcea M, Bacarea V, Bacarea A, Martin-Hadmas R, Matran I, Guiné RPF

Title: Evaluation of emotional eating profile in a sample of Romanian adults


Partner(s) involved: Lebanon

Type of presentation: Oral

Conference:  International Web Conference on Food Choice & Eating Motivation

Place: Viseu-Portugal (Online)

Dates: 19-20 May 2022

Authors: Boustani NM, Guiné RPF

Title: Food determinants and motivation factors impact on consumer behavior in Lebanon

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Partner(s) involved: Romania

Type of presentation: Poster

Conference:  1st National Conference with International participation “One Health” Approach in a Changing World

Place: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Dates: 4-5 November 2021

Authors: Tarcea M, Matran IM, Martin-Hadmas R, Fazakas Z, Guiné R

Title: Food behavior, social aspects, and nutritional status in romania

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Partner(s) involved: Romania

Type of presentation: Poster

Conference:  CMR – International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research

Place: Viseu - Portugal & Online (Hybrid format)

Dates: 1-2 July 2021

Authors: Tarcea M, Hadmas R, Guiné R

Title: Cultural profile connections with food behavior - a Romanian experience?


Partner(s) involved: Romania

Type of presentation: Poster

Conference: NutriTerra - First Edition, virtual Congress: Nutrition, Diet Therapy & Food Safety in the Context of the COVID-19

Place: Bucharest, Romania

Dates: 28-29 May 2020

Authors: Tarcea M, Fazakas Z, Rus V, Buicu F, Guine R.

Title: Romanian’s knowledge and access to information sources towards healthy food products


Partner(s) involved: Portugal, Romania, Lithuania, Italy

Type of presentation: Oral 

Conference: CNESA – Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias [Portuguese Congress of Higher Agricultural Schools]

Place: Viseu, Portugal

Dates: 14-15 November 2019

Authors: Guiné RPF, Correia P, Ferreira M, Tarcea M, Bartkiene E, Vittadini E

Title: The impact of food choices on Human and animal rights protection and environmental sustainability


Partner(s) involved: Romania

Type of presentation: Only abstract 

Conference: 18th International Conference ”Life Sciences for Sustainable Development”

Place: Cluj Napoca, Romania

Dates: 26-28 September 2019

Authors: Georgescu M, Tarcea M, Ruta F, Cînpeanu OC, Rus V, Guiné R

Title: Romanian´s perception about Food Behavior at risk in Relationship with their Social and Cultural Profile


Partner(s) involved: Romania

Type of presentation: Only abstract 

Conference: 18th International Conference ”Life Sciences for Sustainable Development”

Place: Cluj Napoca, Romania

Dates: 26-28 September 2019

Authors: Cînpeanu OC, Tarcea M, Czinege M, Ruta F, Rus V, Nemes L, Guine R

Title: Romanian´s Attitude Regarding Information Sources about Healthy Food Products 


Partner(s) involved: Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, United States of America

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: 2nd Sustainable Solutions for Growth

Place: Wroclaw, Poland

Dates: 16-17 September 2019

Authors: Raquel Guiné, Manuela Ferreira, Paula Correia, Marcela Leal, Vanessa Ferreira, Ivana Rumbak, Ayman EL-Kenawy, Maria Papageorgiou, Viktória Szűcs, Elena Vittadini, Dace Klava, Elena Bartkiene, Lucia Muñoz, Małgorzata Korzeniowska, Monica Tarcea, Ilija Djekić, Maša Bizjak, Kathy Isoldi

Title: Study about some environmental factors that determine people’s food choices in 16 different countries 

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Partner(s) involved: Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, United States of America

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: Science and Technology Summit Portugal

Place: Lisboa, Portugal

Dates: 8-10 July 2019

Authors: Raquel Guiné, Manuela Ferreira, Paula Correia, Ana Paula Cardoso, Ana Cristina Ferrão, Mateus Mendes, João Duarte, Elena Bartkiene, Viktória Szűcs, Monica Tarcea, Marijana Matek Sarić, Maša Černelič-Bizjak, Kathy Isoldi, Ayman EL-Kenawy, Vanessa Ferreira, Dace Klava, Małgorzata Korzeniowska, Elena Vittadini, Marcela Leal, Lucia Frez-Muñoz, Maria Papageorgiou, Ilija Djekić

Title: The EATMOT Project: Preliminary Results of the study about motivations for food choices in 16 countries

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Partner(s) involved: Portugal, Argentina, Brazil

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: X Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia

Place: Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal

Dates: 27-29 June 2019

Authors: Ana Paula Cardoso, Vanessa Ferreira, Marcela Leal, Manuela Ferreira, Raquel Guiné

Title: Perceções sobre alimentação saudável e fatores emocionais ligados ao comportamento alimentar – um estudo envolvendo Portugal, Brasil e Argentina


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Partner(s) involved: Hungary

Type of presentation: POSTER

Conference: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management

Place: Crete Island, Greece

Dates: 26-29 June 2019

Authors: V. Szűcs, J. Hámori, R.P.F. Guiné

Title: Environmental aspects of Hungarian consumers’ food choice


Partner(s) involved: Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, United States of America

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: Research day on the Faculty of Health Sciences (open Faculty days) of University of Primorska

Place: Izola, Slovenia

Dates: 14 June 2019

Authors: Guiné RPF, Ferrão AC, Ferreira M, Correia P, Mendes M, Bartkiene E, Szűcs V, Tarcea M, Rumbak I, Černelič-Bizjak M, Isoldi K, EL-Kenawy A, Ferreira V, Klava D, Korzeniowska M, Vittadini E, Leal M, Frez-Muñoz L, Papageorgiou M, Djekić I

Title:  EATMOT Projekt: Motivatorji za izbiro hrane v različnih državah [EATMOT Project: Motivators for food selection in different countries]


Partner(s) involved: Romania

Type of presentation: e-POSTER

Conference: 8th National and 1st international Congress "Nutrition - Medicine of the Future"

Place: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Dates: 15-18 May 2019

Authors: Monica Tarcea , Victoria Rus, Florina Ruta, Levente Nemes, Viktoria Szucs, Raquel Guiné

Title: Romanian eating motivations scale – for community intervention strategies




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Partner(s) involved: Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, United States of America

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: XVII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação [Congress on Food and Nutrition]

Place: Porto, Portugal

Dates: 16-17 May 2019

Authors: Raquel Guiné; Ana Cristina Ferrão, Manuela Ferreira, Paula Correia, Mateus Mendes, Marcela Leal, Vanessa Ferreira, Ivana Rumbak, Ayman EL-Kenawy, Maria Papageorgiou, Viktória Szűcs, Elena Vittadini, Dace Klava, Elena Bartkiene, Lucia Muñoz, Małgorzata Korzeniowska, Monica Tarcea, Ilija Djekić, Maša Bizjak, Kathy Isoldi

Title: Evaluation through Artificial Neural Networks of the sociodemographic Influences on food choices


Partner(s) involved: Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, United States of America

Type of presentation: KEYNOTE

Conference: FoodBalt2019 and NEEFood 2019

Place: Jelgava, Latvia

Dates: 2-3 May 2019

Authors: Guiné RPF, Ferrão AC, Ferreira M, Correia P, Mendes M, Bartkiene E, Szűcs V, Tarcea M, Rumbak I, Černelič-Bizjak M, Isoldi K, EL-Kenawy A, Ferreira V, Klava D, Korzeniowska M, Vittadini E, Leal M, Frez-Muñoz L, Papageorgiou M, Djekić I.

Title: EATMOT Project – The study of eating motivations in different countries


Partner(s) involved: Lithuania

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: FoodBalt2019 and NEEFood 2019

Place: Jelgava, Latvia

Dates: 2-3 May 2019

Authors: Elena Bartkiene, Vesta Steibliene, Virginija Adomaitiene, Grazina Juodeikiene, Vita Lele, Darius Cernauskas, Dovile Klupsaite, Daiva Zadeike, Laura Jarutiene, Vytaute Sakiene, Raquel P. F. Guiné

Title: Factors influencing consumers motivations for healthy eating and food-mood relation of people's with and without depressive disorder



Partner(s) involved: Portugal, Croatia, Italy, Greece, Egypt

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy

Place: Évora, Portugal

Dates: 15-16 October 2018

Authors: Raquel Guiné, Ana Cristina Ferrão, Manuela Ferreira, Paula Correia, Ana Paula Cardoso, João Duarte, Ivana Rumbak, Elena Vittadini, Maria Papageorgiou, Ayman El-Kenawy

Title: EATMOT Project: Eating motivations in different parts of the world, and particularly in countries from the Mediterranean Area


Partner(s) involved: Hungary

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: Magyar Táplálkozástudományi Társaság LXII. Vándorgyűlése

Place: Mezőkövesd, Hungary

Dates: 4-6 October 2018

Authors: Viktória Szűcs, Judit Hámori, Raquel P.F. Guiné

Title: Élelmiszer-Választást Befolyásoló Tényezők Vizsgálata - Hazai Kérdőíves Vizsgálat Eredményei [in Hungarian]

Partner(s) involved: Hungary

Type of presentation: POSTER

Conference: ISEKI2018 conference

Place: Stuttgart, Germany

Dates: 5-6 September 2018

Authors: Viktória Szűcs, Judit Hámori, Raquel P.F. Guiné

Title: Motivations for food choices - Results of a quantitative survey in Hungary

Partner(s) involved: Portugal

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: FCT Encontro Ciência 2018

Place: Lisbon, Portugal

Dates: 2-4 July 2018

Authors: Guiné R, Ferrão AC, Ferreira M, Correia P, Cardoso AP, Duarte J.

Title: EATMOT: Study about eating motivations in 18 different countries

Partner(s) involved: Portugal

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: 8th international conference on the quality and safety in food production chain

Place: Wroclaw - Poland

Dates: 20-21 June 2018

Authors: Guiné R.F.P., Ferrão A.C., Correia P., Cardoso A. P., Ferreira M., Duarte J.

Title: Influence of emotional determinants on the portuguese food choices

Partner(s) involved: Portugal

Type of presentation: POSTER

Conference: 1st IDFS

Place: Viseu - Portugal

Dates: 5 June 2018

Authors: Ana Cristina Ferrão, Raquel Guiné, Paula Correia, Manuela Ferreira

Title: Influence of environmental and political determinants on food choices in a sample of portuguese population

Partner(s) involved: Portugal

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: Foodbalt 2018

Place: Kaunas - Lithuania

Dates: 17-18 May 2018

Authors: Ana Cristina Ferrão, Paula Correia, Manuela Ferreira, Raquel P. F. Guiné

Title: Perceptions towards healthy diet of the Portuguese according to area of work or studies

Partner(s) involved: Romania

Type of presentation: ORAL

Conference: XXVIII. Tudományos Ülésszak Meghívó

Place: Targu Mures - Romania

Dates: 19-21 April 2018

Authors: Fazakas Z, Szűcs V, Tarcea M, Nemes-Nagy E, Guine R.

Title: Evaluation of motivations for food choices of medical students [RO: Az orvostanhallgatók élelmiszerválasztási motivációinak felmérése] [HU: Evaluare a motivaţiilor pentru alegerile alimentare de către studenţii medicali].

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